Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A jerk crosses my copyrighted path...Death be with him soon, wilt he in the scorching sun. Smirking creeps stood in the corner, pointing fingers at my esteem. Crushed be them in a rock avalanche, no part be found intact. Who! Who! the hell speaks in a garrulous tone, on my name, how dare they smear muck? Silence! Only i shall speak, rest be steady, still. Often a voice tells me...No friends are there for life.
Frequent i hear a ranting; there are more shadows than light.
I resent being with these demented bloodsuckers, these good for nothing fleas. A word of caution to those who dare me; i shall see unto last of my bitterest enemy. Care not i, for a two-buck ugly duckling; a far cry am i from these petty thugs. Grow will my resolve, raise will raise my stature, you the impure shall see. No liars in my den, no crooks in kings lair.Solemn.Peace.Tranquill.Ease. I laid down in fainting noises and screaming voices. Honks and horns. Blaring speeches. Mellowed now. Muffled somehow. A tappity tap of the trickle...
Silly tapping sound. Dragging feet turns to turn the noise off.There.In the dark, motionless yet capturing all emotions. It stood glued to the cold wall. A mirror of hope. No predictions, yet of immense scope. It told me in a blunt, braying voice that i look the part of a bombed limb. A bloodied, shattered, irrecoverable apology of a human.Of hurt pride and twisted thoughts. A mere reflection spoke of the unlikeliest wrongs. On it went on the broken hearts and the unfinished tasks.On the summary of my supposed crimes.A list sounding like a terrible rhyme. Brazen in its zest, it went on for the foolish wretch as it was. Terrible, terrible, it made me look.
The first crack wasn't even registered. A million of them did finally
made it shatter. A shower of glass patterned on the floor. A light is shown. Reflecting the same face, only in plenty...a lot more.
A blood-curdling laugh came about...the laughter of the resident monster.

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