Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A drop from the ocean of your mercy,

Can quench the perennial thirst of my desires.

I soak in the warm light of your smile,

Tis the only inspiration that i aspire.

Given that all your indulgences,

Are but the manna from heaven i seek,

In your dreams and your wishes,

i flow like a seaward creek.

i steal a little thought of yours,

i borrow a little wealth,

i weave the yarn of a love poem,

From the compassion you merrily dealt.

Every bit of your twitches and turns,

i shamelessly grasp for life's ride,

May the endless well of your strength,

Enrich me in every stride.

Freebies in this life are hard to find,

Least are the selfless spirits,

i meant to make a count by count repay,

Instead i keep counting on your merits!.

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