Thursday, May 7, 2009


Flavors dwell and scents mingle,
Rings in the air a hymn,
Home my home, that's my place,
You will find there a silence too.

Doors open for the strangest of men,
Friends can step in as well,
No one's an outsider in the real sense,
All are embraced with ease.

Thirst and hunger ends at its doors,
Wishes are granted at will,
Unseen bonds tame the wild,
Only the deepest longings hold fort.

Home, my home, that's my place,
Where else can i ever be?
No matter how far i travel a times,
Too far from home i can never be.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Momentary Lapse

Today the world is not sliced in half,

today it can live in peace.

Splilled half the blood in a savage minute,

Some aspirations can still breath.

let off the hook was a new born child,

the spankings for an old widow was least,

Spaced out lungs may feel a dozen beats,

Bickerings of the dogs had ceased.

We shall hang the man in tattered rags,

Later not now, it isn't yet required,

Spared are the guilty of breach.

Now go on and stuff your mouths,

For time is there till the verdict.

Another moment in the cobweb of space,

you may find your loved ones indeed,

wait for the day! wait for the spell!

Earned you have, a release.

Millions of pieces will scatter one day,

till that time you may live!

In the river of loss,

All the blood shall float!

Built your palaces for now,

Ground to dust will your funny resolve,

shatter they will, your dreams.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Wet expanse far till the end,
The sea murmurs in a gentle splash,
lapped feet on wet sands stood,
No answers the waves send.

Sprawling leaves in green glory,
Under the sun stood the towering tree,
In the dance of shadow, caressing the barks,
The rustling leaves told no story.

Winds,winds in a sweeping rush,
Careless in a maverick play,
Eyelashes bore the brunt of speed,
Yet questions unaddressed as such.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Closer Look

Came the rain, and came the shine,
i looked for the yellow fields,
Came the dawns and the dusks,
i searched for the elusive clime.

North i went and south too,
Find i not the place,
Rose i fast and sunk i steep,
Yet i missed the clue.

Fast i slept and shaken i woke,
Rest i didn't yet find,
Where i stood no solace dwelled,
To self i laughed and spoke.

Wrote i long a prose on the wall,
Pen i verse on the bricks,
Empty a scroll i found inside,
None the marks at all.

Yes this was the day to be,
i saw the clear signs,
When i ran not any further,
i found my goldmine and thee.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Would You

Would you know that it is true,

When i say three words in earnest hope.

Would you know that i only wish to see,

Your serene smile when i look at you.

Would you hold my hands when i ask,

And walk with me to the sea.

Would you know the bliss when it came,

In tender embrace of the lips.

Would you be my light, my sunshine,

And my nights of starry dreams.

Would you call it my bluff if i said,

Every moment of my life's for you.

Would you still believe when i cry,

Living the pain that you beared.

Would you be what i always ask of you,

My princess, my soulmate, my destiny.

Would you walk away from the truth,

If i tell you a few nesessary lies.

Would you still be my friend if the earth,

Beneath my feet dissapears to my surprise.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Naughty hues,hide n seek,
Tricky shades, playing games,
Curvy smiles, unending delights,
Stolen looks, casting spells.

Words mere, oh oh dear,
Stances bold, dismiss belief,
lofty thoughts, starry dreams,
Stylish sense, desired effects.

Open arms, inviting charms,
Desires reveal, deepest passions,
Singular aims,hearty pursuals,
Cheery notes, life's beats.

Heady scent, creating trend,
Shuttling thoughts,worlds apart,
Embrace lock, sharing warmth,
Pouted lips, melted heart.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A jerk crosses my copyrighted path...Death be with him soon, wilt he in the scorching sun. Smirking creeps stood in the corner, pointing fingers at my esteem. Crushed be them in a rock avalanche, no part be found intact. Who! Who! the hell speaks in a garrulous tone, on my name, how dare they smear muck? Silence! Only i shall speak, rest be steady, still. Often a voice tells me...No friends are there for life.
Frequent i hear a ranting; there are more shadows than light.
I resent being with these demented bloodsuckers, these good for nothing fleas. A word of caution to those who dare me; i shall see unto last of my bitterest enemy. Care not i, for a two-buck ugly duckling; a far cry am i from these petty thugs. Grow will my resolve, raise will raise my stature, you the impure shall see. No liars in my den, no crooks in kings lair.Solemn.Peace.Tranquill.Ease. I laid down in fainting noises and screaming voices. Honks and horns. Blaring speeches. Mellowed now. Muffled somehow. A tappity tap of the trickle...
Silly tapping sound. Dragging feet turns to turn the noise off.There.In the dark, motionless yet capturing all emotions. It stood glued to the cold wall. A mirror of hope. No predictions, yet of immense scope. It told me in a blunt, braying voice that i look the part of a bombed limb. A bloodied, shattered, irrecoverable apology of a human.Of hurt pride and twisted thoughts. A mere reflection spoke of the unlikeliest wrongs. On it went on the broken hearts and the unfinished tasks.On the summary of my supposed crimes.A list sounding like a terrible rhyme. Brazen in its zest, it went on for the foolish wretch as it was. Terrible, terrible, it made me look.
The first crack wasn't even registered. A million of them did finally
made it shatter. A shower of glass patterned on the floor. A light is shown. Reflecting the same face, only in plenty...a lot more.
A blood-curdling laugh came about...the laughter of the resident monster.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So lonely you think in this world full of humanity,
Abundance of nature too vague for your company?
This flow of flesh and blood not enough to satiate these eyes?
Called the existence itself a dragging bore at times?

So lonely you think in this world full of humanity,
No care too nice to care about?
The senses not engulfed yet in bliss?
Nor the passes seem worthy of a glance?

So lonely you think in this world full of humanity,
The fixations too frivolous for a momentary fix?
The praises mere sounds too hollow?
The worshipping satellites are a revolving jinx?

So lonely you think in this world full of humanity,
Frail gravity tugs, withdrawn yet from earth?
Nor the breeze embrace too close?
Placcid daydreams seems more vibrant than the dancing dolls?

So lonely you think in this world full of humanity,
The distant voices too loud than the near whispers?
Promises made not bear a semblence truth?
Innards wriggle at the scent of love?

So lonely you think in this world full of humanity,
Seek not what you dare to seek?
Dream not deep for the reality to sink?
Found whom then, when you carefully pick?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A drop from the ocean of your mercy,

Can quench the perennial thirst of my desires.

I soak in the warm light of your smile,

Tis the only inspiration that i aspire.

Given that all your indulgences,

Are but the manna from heaven i seek,

In your dreams and your wishes,

i flow like a seaward creek.

i steal a little thought of yours,

i borrow a little wealth,

i weave the yarn of a love poem,

From the compassion you merrily dealt.

Every bit of your twitches and turns,

i shamelessly grasp for life's ride,

May the endless well of your strength,

Enrich me in every stride.

Freebies in this life are hard to find,

Least are the selfless spirits,

i meant to make a count by count repay,

Instead i keep counting on your merits!.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Spent on shopping that whole day,

i shopped for from dawn to dusk,

leather and wool and suede and silk,

Did i mention the latest musk?

Called a cab to haul the booty,

Filled was my heart with glee,

A tiny speck appeared by the road,

What it wore i never got to see.

Tapping on my window it rattled a sheet,

The usual con i guess,

The hookers always swoop upon us; preys

Peddling their filthy mess.

Shoving on your face,

Pushing down your throat,

Bugs these all,

i despise them, them i gloat.

Turning around i was stunned!

Horrified, i saw the driver read,

Albeit the book that rodent had sneaked.

The same very pile of diseased sheets,

Glancing over him i caught a glimpse,

Of a caricature of man and wife,

on the cover it said,

Tricks to a Happy Married Life.

Reluctant that i was, even so,

A little peek i couldn't resist,

On seeing me read the stuff,

He gave it to me; please, i insist,

Gingerly taking it up to my nose,

i found myself flipping the pages,

By the minute, my curiosity rose.

Versed in error ridden English,

Were three sections of 'marriage guide',

It spoke of loyalty, trust and bond,

And boundless love, 'for a smooth ride',

Little did i realise, that i the smart urbanite,

Would pick up a street journal,

To unlock the secret of marital bliss,

Jinxed as it was, my marriage,maimed, unreal.

Slowly i accounted,

For the wrongs that i incurred,

And to my dismay i found

It was me, who had erred.

Months passed and days went,

i had managed to steady the boat,

A semblence of a 'real' marriage i chalked,

And sailed began journey on 'paradise road'.

My wishes with the peddler,

Who supplied my lucky charm,

Always be his wares be sold,

And far he be away, from all harm.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Little Resolution

i resolve to shine like the sun beams, and
float on the clouds of sky.i make a wish of wishing
well, to the dagger which made my own blood fly.
Surmounting the travails.A lesser wish list. A better
aim in life.Cravings had their own heydey, my turn has just arrived.
Newer passions, newer love.....and all the more reflect; greed,
greed the cunning foe, i just wish it let me go. Sailing on a sail of pure
thought, i long to go the mile, lest currents flow underneath my
feet, and drag me back in time. Little does a resolution do,
least a pointless claim. i begin with an apology to the dead wishes,
the ones which i never meant to make. On one hand lies
a steady path. The other more extreme.
Let's consider.For once.
Who's the one that will succeed?
i dunno, i never did. For a little wary am i. To run, to seek,
to play, to collide, isn't that what we mean by life?
i take an oath, to let it all go. And sculpt a wide path.
i shall bring unto me, the onus of self, and more that of
fellows meek. Yes now on, the motto shall be;to ride with the
needy in mind.i shall call a life worthy if, i gift a dream to the
least hopeful one i find.