Sunday, December 7, 2008

Loss And Gain

relish i do a lot, a breakfast befitting a kings meal,
Eggs and toasts and ham and honey,
Jams and relishes and bagels buttered to the brim,
'Desi' is a hit any day of course: mmm...the steaming parathas
Chilled lassi is a must.Heaven.
Lunch is nice with a delectable biryani,
Or a tender silky makhni with naan....
Ah! yes,kulfi to beat the heat too.
Dinners are a roar with the Champagne and the grilled fish,
A roast must follow with the 'merlot' warming my tracts.
Delights of a soumptous meal are the simple pleasures of a life.
Now what's this? wait!
No you can't put so much of oil,
Shall I sue the hotel which served me rice?
Watch your carbs(or was it curves)...that's what the doc said.
Isn't that right?
Am i looking fat?
Is this thought fattening?
Are you fattening?
Tell me no.
i am a sinner
The gulab jamun was the winner!
You should have stopped me.
You could have stopped me.
I think I'll hit the treadmill.
Now don't order any calorie laden dish.
Huhh, a little slimmer i wish.
Can we go on a diet together?
Oh!forget it don't even bother.
So depressing you are,
Inconsiderate irresponsible irrwhatever.
Call for a pasta now.....extra cheese.
And parmesan on side as well.
Yeah Yeah 15 km on the mill tommorow.i know.
Can the salmon be ordered now?
You and your lectures.
i am bored of them.
Call them, where is the cheese?

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